Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I feel like a lot of my blogs have to do about me "claiming" to get back on track in my life. I always have room to improve, of course. But get ready for one last blog about my re-focusing for the year.

I have 43 days until I am officially done with Liberty classes forever and ever. Because that number is strickeningly close, I have decided that some changes need to be made for a strong finish to my college career, as well as solidifying some constants in my life.

First of all, my diet needs to change. I grab a lot of pre-packaged foods in order to snack during classes instead of buying things in bulk or cooking my own food and bringing it with me. One of my resolutions is to not drink soda (yes, I say 'soda' now because of my 3 1/2 years in Virginia!) until I graduate. This is most likely going to be difficult seeing as I get free soda at work, and it's one of the staples I love to drink whenever I have pizza, which is every week.

Also, I've been trying to maintain/lose some weight and I still want to be a comfortable size 6 by the time of graduation. That is kind of scary since time is ticking quickly. I did work out yesterday, and I felt really refreshed from doing so, but my knees have been bothering me ever since running my 5K. On that note, my 5K was really successful! I ran the entire thing in 34:16, which equals about 11 min/mile. Clearly that isn't the best time, but I was aiming for 30 minutes, and I'm happy enough with 34:16. It was a good, quick run and over 1,700 people participated in the run! If everyone registered the $24 for the race, that means we raised almost $41,000 for freeing girls in the sex slave industry in Thailand! It was a really good environment, great weather, and an awesome community.

One other major thing that I am trying to cement as a life pattern for me is finally sticking to a devotional plan for reading from God's word every day. For years, I have struggled with reading the Bible consistently every day or every other day. On Sunday, I realized during church how refreshing it is to open God's word and to read such easy, simple truths that solidify my relationship with Christ. One of the books that really struck me was 1 Peter, and so that's where I started my daily devotional reading. Today, I re-read chapter 1 to see what I could glean from it and I read "his Spirit has made you holy" in verse 2. In some way, that's extremely overwhelming. Do you realize how much pressure is on you if you're considered holy? It's a bit too much to bear at times. Seeing that God sees me as holy pushes me to live my way in a similar light.

Anyway, to update you all, only 18 days until Thanksgiving break, 43 days until my final Final ever, and 44 days until I leave Virginia. I am excited for Christmas Break, as I am spending some much needed time with extended family and I'll be able to celebrate my graduation right. No more Liberty Way, no more censorship, and no more college responsibilities.

I am so excited to make a home for myself now, and to be responsible for decorating and keeping up my own home. I can't wait to do the things I want to do with my kitchen! If you want to get me a graduation gift, Williams&Sonoma gift cards are always acceptable. :)

To the relationships I've made in Virginia, I have thoroughly appreciated everything you all have done for me for the past four years. It has been great to grow with you, learn from group experiences, and for you all to partake in my becoming a better person. I know I have grown since freshman year, and it's been a quick wild ride.

I promise to update within the next 43 days...most likely when I'm about to break down from everything coming to a close way too fast.

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