Fast-forward through massive storms, thunder that shook my apartment, lightning that seemed like it was an inch away from my windows, and a couple of power outages. They say, "Necessity is indeed the mother of invention," and as such, my roommate made macaroni and cheese from scratch. It was super delicious...yet super filling. I don't think I could eat another ounce of food for the next day.
Tonight, we'll be playing poker. Me and the boys. I'm excited that my life is actually turning out like a real-life "My Boys" episode. In case you've never heard of "My Boys," it's an amazing TV show on TBS (every Sunday at 10pm, by the way...) that's now in it's fourth season. It's basically from the point of view of one female sports writer who is always surrounded by her four best guy friends.

Now, I don't mean to brag, but my guy friends kind of rock. :)
Well, I'm off to clean the rest of the house before the guys get here. See you all tomorrow!
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