I was listening to her as I was driving home from the airport today, and her music just explodes when I hear it. Every time her music comes on, I go through an emotional roller coaster with her. Her song "December Baby" and "Corner of Your Heart" strike me in such a strong way. "December Baby" states, "You have had your fill, your fill of me." and "Corner of Your Heart" tells of the pathetic feeling many girls feel when they are desperately in love with someone whose feelings are not reciprocated. Unrequited love, as Ingrid sings, "I would live this man just to be one minute of your day," hurts my heart.
Another song is much more realistic in love. "Just because there once was love/ don't mean a thing, don't mean a thing" she sings... And it hits like a hammer. Even though things used to be so great doesn't mean it will ever turn back to that. Things can only be idyllic in the moment, but unlike a perfect snow globe where the moment is held still in time forever, real life must eventually change and evolve.
Oh, how I wish some things had just stayed the same. But "you have had your fill, your fill of me."
On another note, my sister came to visit this weekend -- She's never been here before, so it was nice to show her around! And because we're terrible people, we didn't take any pictures so there is no photographic evidence of her ever being here, but we hiked, we ate, we shopped... typical sister stuff. :) It was great for her to see what I see every day, experience my lifestyle and view my apartment. I love my sister, and I wish she didn't have to go back to her life already, but alas, only a weekend was what we were both able to spare. :(
Either way, I'm happy she came to visit, and hopefully I see her sooner rather than later... once all of the usual family vacation stuff is figured out. And I know what I'm getting for her already for Christmas (and this isn't a surprise) - it's CoCo Wheats! haha... Apparently our family is the only one to eat those, but they're delicious! Think like sweet grits or chocolate cream of wheat or something. It's so good!

Yum, yum, yum! :)