Monday, March 8, 2010

Uganda Mass Murder.

I should be working on homework, but I am compelled to write something out...

My friend Katie (She wrote on my blog about capital punishment if you remember) wrote an article about the recent Uganda bill where homosexuals will be given the death sentence if they are found positive with HIV or AIDS. Katie said this article was revolting, as it is killing people simply for having AIDS. It is so shocking to see how people are responded to the article. One woman wrote that it was all about "population control" and how it is completely worthy for homosexuals to die in this way because of "what they did." Another 17-year-old man wrote that homosexuals get what they deserve as they are already receiving a death sentence with the disease, so why not just prosecute them now?

Also, people are saying that if you are in support of overthrowing this bill, you "clearly" cannot be a Christian... I don't really understand this argument. There is a fine line between disliking homosexuality and preserving the right to life in this case -- Just because people are practicing in homosexual acts, which are against God, it is also against God to say that homosexuals are GETTING WHAT THEY DESERVE by receiving the death sentence. How are we as Christians loving others by saying "it's okay for you to die, because of what you did?" What does that remind you of... perhaps the crucifixion? Because of what WE as SINNERS do, we should receive the death sentence...but guess what, Jesus Christ took care of that. We no longer have that death sentence upon us because of what we do every day. And if all sin is supposed to be wagered as the same, then how can we say that homosexuality is worthy of the death sentence, but my stealing something from a grocery store isn't?

I understand why some may be frustrated with "allowing" homosexuals to live (if you really want to see it that way), but honestly, we should be more fired up about the fact that people are dying because they received a virus. So anyone who has cancer should die as well? They're going to die anyway, right? That's the same kind of logic people are using to support the Uganda bill.

Really examine your life and God's word before you take a stance on such a monumental issue. For all the pro-life rallies that Christians attend, it is SHOCKING to me that some of God's people are against keeping people alive in Uganda, simply because they have a defect. Those who share that mentality would have fit in around Germany in the 1930's...

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Blogging fail.

My alarm went off at 7:50 a.m., and of course, I didn't get up. I was too tired, and my body ached from working out yesterday. After going back to sleep, I had such a realistic nightmare included people from my past that I didn't want in my life anymore. It was pretty...scary and realistic. How someone in real life could infiltrate my dreams is always a mystery.

I've been doing homework all weekend, and of course there is tons more to do tonight before the Oscars. Once it turns about 7 p.m. or 7:30, I'll be glued to the TV to see everyone's dresses and their acceptance speeches. I can't wait! :)

Short post. I had a lot more in mind of what to say, but now... well, you see what developed. Haha, blogging fail.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Only one more week till paradise.

It's been too long, blog. I apologize.

Lately, I've been overevaluating everything in my life. I started obsessing over money, my future, where I'm going to move, what I'll do for this summer, where I'll be after I graduate college in December, and then it snowballed even larger from there. I was dying on the inside, with my mind moving faster than I could emotionally process. I called my grandmother, who always knows how to be in a good mood, for advice, and she of course told me to stop worrying over everything, and take it one day at a time. I keep forgetting that advice.

I know that I need to take it one day at a time, and that is how I will be until Spring Break...which starts next week. :) I cannot wait to be in Texas, and with my siblings. I so badly want to be there now, with no homework dictating my life, but of course I am stressed at the moment. With everything I have to do school-wise, I have to focus on that for just one more week before going mad. I wanted to go home this weekend, just to get away from the hustle and bustle, but I have too much to do to travel this weekend unfortunately.

In other news, I have some kind of exciting stuff going on this week - I am turning in an application for the Liberty Champion (which probably doesn't sound exciting, but to me, it is) and today, my friend Erica used me as a model for her photo shoot. She had to take some portraits for a photography class - we took over 100 pictures, and she only needs 15 for class, haha. It was super fun, and I got to show off three different dresses which is always lovely.

I've been reading through the Bible pretty diligently, which is awesome. I read through all of Hosea, then Song of Solomon, and now I'm on to Proverbs. It has been teaching me some really great things, and I can't wait to see what the rest of the massive book of Proverbs has in store.

This weekend, tons of homework must be completed, and planning for the next week will occur at some point... But like my grandmother said, I have to think one day at a time. And I'm okay with that for now. :)

P.S. I went to the gym tonight after two days off, and I am so happy I was able to do a hard work out. I did 45 minutes of cardio, and still did abs, squats, and lunges. I can't complain, and I want to hit the gym again tomorrow. It's wonderful to be addicted to the gym. :)